Moose lake has the second biggest bluegills.

The water at Moose lake is crystal clear.

Moose lake has big northern pike too.

At Moose Lake on a sunny day you can see all of the bluegills swimming right under the boat.
There are lots of tiny bay bluegills and huge gigantic blue gills every where.
As soon as you put the bait into the water you can see bluegills flying over to take the bait.
I have a lot of fum catching bluegills every summer at Moose Lake.
Now that winter is over and spring is coming, I can't hardly wait to go bluegill fishing again this summer.

Big bluegill Big bluegill

The bluegills at Moose Lake are somtimes dumb since they mostly eat about anything.

Bluegill species

Bass species

  1. large mouth
  2. smallmouth bass
  3. rock bass
  4. white bass
  5. striped bass
  6. sea bass
  7. spotted bass
Bluegill Speices
Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin Seed

Red Ear

Red Ear

Big bluegill


Green Sunfish

Green Sunfish

Long Ear

Long Ear



Bass Species
 Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth bass
Striped Bass
Striped Bass
White Bass
White Bass
Sea Bass
Sea Bass
Spotted Bass
Spotted Bass

Click on this image to see all the bluegills I caught at Moose Lake


My Favorite Skaters